- Game version Interlude and Classic. Java platform. Rate: х1200
- Server rates - Exp х1200,SP x1200,Adena x3000( Varka,Ketra ,Dino Isle) x500 in other locations.
- Premium account - Exp х1800,SP x1800,Adena x4500 (Varka,Ketra,Dino Isle) x500 in other locations. Premium account does not apply to drops from epic and raid bosses, as well as quest items
- High quality unique build that matches the official Interlude time server as much as possible.
- All characters appear in Giran level 20 when creating a character.
- Characters appear in TOP D-Grade outfit,20.000 000 aden,Сое (Scroll of Escape)
- A buffer is available on the server with the ability to create your own profile.
- There are 40 slots available for the buff. Buffs last 2 hours.
- There are champion mobs with enhanced drops on the server.
- Inventory slots increased to 250. Overload disabled.
- Festival Adena - the second most important coin (after Coin of Luck), obtained from mobs and for participation in events.
- The system "Crit on epics" has been implemented (maximum disconnect time is 300 seconds).
- Unique protection against hacking of your data through a secondary password. Binding by IP / HWID.
- Possibility to choose one of the registration methods - via mail or phone number.
- Mana Point restores 500 МП.
- Unique achievement system .progress
- Dion Village, Arkan, Fort, New Island, Aden - SOLO PvP Zona (Own and unique development)
- x1200 [NEW] Chance to catch LS TOP – 10% HIGH – 5% MID - 2%
- x1200 [OLD] Chance to catch LS TOP – 10% HIGH – 5% MID - 0%
- Chance to knock out Top LS with Tyrannosaur without PA 25% , with PA 50%
- In the location Ketra, Varka added monsters Champion (Drop: High ls 76, Festival Adena, Bargaining chip)
- Statistics augmentation: https://files.euro-pvp.com/eu1200.html
- First class transfer price - free
- Second class price - free
- Third profession - free
- You can get a profession through the NPC Classmaster, in the .menu menu or the Alt + B panel.
Premium Account:
- 1 day - 2 Coin of Luck
- 4 days- 6 Coin of Luck
- 7 days - 10 Coin of Luck
- 14 days - 20 Coin of Luck
- 1 month - 40 Coin of Luck
Sub-Class & Nooblese
- Sub-Class no quest. Maximum 8 subclasses.
- Nooblese: Flame of Splendor Barakiel respawn 3 hours + -30 minutes. The quest is not needed (it is enough to kill the Raid Boss to get the Noblesse status).
Enchant Weapons and Armor
- Maximum sharpening for weapons +18, for armor and jewelry +14.
- Safe point +3, for solid armor +4.
- The chance of bless sharpening and normal sharpening is the same.
Clan system:
- When created, any clan already has level 7.
- The clan is limited to 27 people.
- Cast Flames of Invincibility (alliance UD ) = 5 seconds.The Flames of Invincibility effect disappears when using skills / attacks.
Epic bosses:
Respawn Epic Raid Bosses:
Approximate time with a spread of + - 60 minutes. The time is indicated by MSC.
- QueenAnt QueenAntRespawnTime = 21:30 QueenAntInterval = 24
- Baium BaiumRespawnTime = 23:00 BaiumInterval = 120 BaiumActive = 120
- Valakas ValakasRespawnTime = 23:00 ValakasInterval = 264
- Frintezza FrintezzaRespawnTime = 21:00 FrintezzaInterval = 49
- Antharas AntharasRespawnTime = 23:00 AntharasInterval = 192
- Zaken ZakenRespawnTime = 22:00 ZakenInterval = 48
Respawn of regular bosses - according to the official server.
Reibossam drop 76+ added: Euro Money, LS, Secret Book of Giants.
Respawn raid bosses 76+= 12 hours +- 60 minutes
The period of the Olympiad is 1 week. Duration of the Olympiad: from 18:00 to 24:00 KIEV TIME
Gulf protection implemented.
The maximum point at the Olympiad is +6.
To participate in the Olympics - Noblesse status is required.
The Olympics are open only on Friday and Saturday and Sunday.
New class Olympiad. Starting every Sunday at 20-00 GMT+3, issuing at 00.00 GMT+3 (.events)
Issuance of heroism from Sunday to Monday.
Raid Bossaу 76+ :
Raid Bossaу 76+ (to which there is a teleport from the Gatekeeper) added additional reward :
- Top-Grade Life Stone : from 3 to 5, 100% chance;
- High-Grade Life Stone : from 3 to 5, 100% chance;;
- Giant's Codex : from 3 to 5, 100% chance;;
- Nephilim Lord Shield : chance 5%;
- Monster Only Shield : chance 5%.
Rebirth of these Raid Bosses: 6 hours + -1 hour
You can teleport to them with the help NPC Gakekeeper (Raid Boss 76+)